Our New Indigenous Ward Names

The story of the Indigenous ward names.

On December 7, 2020, Edmonton City Council approved new boundaries and new names for Edmonton’s 12 wards.

Indigenous Elders and urban Indigenous community members approached City Council to consider renaming Edmonton’s newly amended wards with Indigenous names.   The names were determined by the Committee of Indigenous Matriarchs (iyiniw iskwewak withwewin), in recognition of the matriarchal nature of Indigenous society.

The names were chosen to honour the land, and Elders from treaty land 6, 7, 8, Métis and Inuit nations collaborated to reflect that Edmonton is a traditional meeting place of many nations.  Participating nations included:  Anishinaabe, Blackfoot, Cree, Dene, Inuit, Iroquois, Métis and Sioux.

The Committee of Indigenous Matriarchs has gifted these traditional names to the city’s naming committee to honour Edmonton’s sacred places and to preserve a piece of history for future generations.

The new ward that Dunluce is in is called Anirniq (A-NILN-nuk), which is an Inuktun word for Breath of Life or Spirit.  This term symbolizes how Tuberculosis took the life or spirit of so many Indigenous people.  These people suffered and died alone, away from their families and in unfamiliar surroundings.  

These changes will come into effect on Election Day, October 18, 2021.  The current councillor for Dunluce, Jon Dziadyk, will not be running in Anirniq.  So Election Day will be your opportunity to choose the best candidate for the best community in Edmonton!

Contributed by Carla Korpesio


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